
Showing posts from July, 2024

From smiley faces to stock markets: The Bandwagon Effect explained

In the late 90s, smiley face fashion became a widespread trend, with people buying and wearing clothing and accessories adorned with the iconic yellow smiley face logo 🙂 For a rebel child like myself, this trend didn't really suit me well, but I was carried away by its popularity. Despite never really liking them, I begged my mother to buy me smiley face t-shirts, lunch boxes, and more. Looking back, I still don't like them, not even for a pyjama top! So why did I desperately want them back then? As a behavioural scientist, I'd blame the Bandwagon Effect. The Bandwagon Effect refers to our habit of adopting certain behaviours or beliefs simply because many other people do the same. This phenomenon is often observed in consumer behaviour and political settings. The Bandwagon Effect is a specific instance of herd mentality, which is a broader term describing how individuals in a group can act collectively without centralized direction. Here are some examples of the Bandwago

Behavioural steps to overcome insomnia

A few years ago, I experienced a spell of insomnia that turned my life upside down. Having always been a good sleeper, this sudden change felt like a nightmare. If you've ever dealt with insomnia, you know how debilitating it can be. Waking up in the middle of the night with my heart pounding, unable to go back to sleep, and rolling from one side to the other was exhausting and frustrating. This period of my life was particularly stressful, and in my desperation, I tried several herbal remedies and over-the-counter drugs. Nothing seemed to work until I found a book that completely changed my approach. Colin A. Espie's "Overcoming insomnia and sleep problems: A self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques" was transformative for me. I highly recommend this book to anyone struggling with insomnia or simply looking to improve their sleep quality. Here are some key points from Professor Espie that I found most helpful: 1. Establish a pre-bed time routine: Develo